
New cancer treatment colon addresses

New cancer treatment colon addresses 
cancer treatment
Colon cancer is most cancers spread around the world and also is more type causes deaths

You know what colon cancer treatments

Before getting into how I treat colon and rectal cancer patients take you today light on the type of cancer and its symptoms and also has ways to prevent some people aren't aware that there are ways of prevention of colon and rectal cancer, and it may lead to meet often infected, there is a problem because of the shame of gold to the doctor or unjustified fear of scrutiny. Knowing that the early
  . detection of this disease would raise the chances of healing

You know how Colon rectal and arises

Rectum and colon cancer may arise in (large intestine) come in the form of a diet are benign growths (non-cancerous) in that no patient complains of symptoms in his stomach, and keep this are moles and spend a long body before I turn into cancerous cells and thus showing symptoms late then we
. advise the patient always initiate early detection to find these polyps and remove them immediately

Common symptoms of colon and rectal cancer



Feeling that the bowel does not empty stool


Feeling tired

Decrease weight

Currently available treatments for this disease start putting remedial plan fit the patient, can guarantee surgical treatments and remedies in the case of chemical and radiation treatments are surgery first stages of treatment, but the disease was in advanced stages are useless and resorted to surgery doctors
. care

Recently developed a new drug is used to treat cancer of the colon and rectum and has proved successful in treating this disease and may constitute this drug therapy for patients with advanced colorectal cancer and direct, and is also appropriate for certain patients who take intravenous
. followers

Has this property on the former estate several paths may relate to the development of cancer cells in the colon and rectum is working on installing (alkainizat proteins) and is about the movement of chemical signals enzymes help in the development of cancer cells has demonstrated the ability of this type of new drug to stabilize the growth of new vessels and feeds cancer cells and cancer cells tissue
. growth may slow

Recent studies have shown the new drug has undergone a number of patients who were treated with dangerous treatments and that the use of this type of property has contributed to prolong survival College average 6.4 per month with care and it was done by comparing 5 months from Phantom medicines with best supportive care 1.7 per month in submission of medicines, and remains an
ongoing research and development operations on this type of drug that has proved its ability to inhibit